Frequently Asked Questions

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Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses.” Preventing terrorists from obtaining state-issued identification documents is critical to securing America against terrorism. As the 9/11 Commission noted, "For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons." The Act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for official purposes licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards.

States have made considerable progress in meeting this key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and every state has a more secure driver’s license today than before the passage of the Act. Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be. REAL ID is a coordinated effort by the states and the Federal Government to improve the reliability and accuracy of state-issued identification documents, which should inhibit terrorists’ ability to evade detection by using fraudulent identification.

For more information on the legislation, you can go to

How does the REAL ID Act affect issuance of Idaho’s driver's license and ID cards?

The REAL ID Act will not invalidate Idaho issued driver’s license or ID cards, and does not affect using a driver’s license or ID card for usual purposes, such as driving, renting a vehicle, writing a check, purchasing alcohol or tobacco, or entering a casino. Starting May 7, 2025, you will need to have a license or ID with the Star – showing it is an Idaho REAL ID, or another accepted form of identification, such as a passport, to fly commercially or access a federal facility, national laboratory or military base.

Does the REAL ID Act apply to all types of driver's licenses and ID cards?

Yes. The Idaho Transportation Department will be producing versions of all driver’s license and ID cards that add the Star.

I have heard the REAL ID Act is creating a national database of driver and identification information. Is this true?

The information you give to the Idaho Transportation Department is held securely by the Idaho Division of Motor Vehicles. It is not entered into a national database.

I have heard that REAL ID-marked driver's license and ID cards have an electronic chip in them that allows my movements to be tracked. Is this true?

There is no electronic chip or other electronic device in Idaho’s driver's license or ID cards, whether it is a Star Card – Idaho’s REAL ID or not.

Some U.S. border states offer an enhanced driver's license that includes passive vicinity radio frequency identification embedded in the card that meets federal requirements and facilitates rapid identification checks at the border. However, that technology is not required by the REAL ID and is not used in cards issued by Idaho.

Idaho’s driver's licenses and ID cards do have the required bar code printed on the back; that code requires manual scanning and only conveys the information appearing on the face of the driver's license or ID card, without the photo.

What difference does the Star make?

What are the differences between current Idaho’s driver's license and ID cards and a Star Card?

The only difference is access. Both allow you to legally drive and prove your identity for tasks like buying alcohol, obtaining social services, banking services or registering to vote.

Starting May 7, 2025, a Star Card lets you fly commercially or enter a federal building, national laboratory, or military base. At that time, you will not be able to do either with an Idaho driver’s license or ID card without the Star.

Without the Star Card, you’ll need a passport or other acceptable documents instead. Check for the other forms of identification that will be accepted in lieu of a license or ID with the Star at

Will a Star Card be valid for a different length of time than one that is not marked?

No. However, federal regulations require that a driver's license or ID card issued to a person who is a temporary foreign national be valid for no more than one year when the person’s authorized stay has no expiration date. A temporary foreign national issued a one-year driver's license or ID card may renew the driver's license or ID card at the end of the one-year period, with proof of continued lawful status.

What about a driver’s permit or motorcycle permit? Are those available with the Star?

Because permits are designed to be temporary, they will not be issued with a Star.

Are there any new knowledge and drive test requirements to get a driver’s license with a Star?

No. Getting a Star Card does not affect anything related to driving tests or abilities. It is focused only on identity security and verification.

If I have a driver’s license that does not have the Star, but I want one, will I have to take a knowledge or drive test?

Not unless you are required to complete a test for another reason. It is not necessary to take a test to simply get a Star Card.