Diploma Pathways

Governor Mills signed into law PL 2019, Chapter 202 on June 5, 2019, repealing proficiency-based diplomas, and adding the ability to count equivalent standards achievement in place of course credit. This change takes effect on September 19th, 2019.

Secondary schools must provide a comprehensive program of study that includes instruction for all students in career and education development, English language arts, health education and physical education, mathematics, science, social studies, visual and performing arts, and world languages.

Additionally, all students must complete the following minimum requirements for a high school diploma. These requirements reflect the minimum required by the State in order for a school administrative unit (SAU) to award a high school diploma. All SAUs have the ability, through local policy, to add requirements to these minimums.

The Maine Department of Education acknowledges that Maine schools have a variety of schedules and that courses are not always offered over the duration of one year. Therefore, the Maine Department of Education interprets "year" to mean the successful completion of a course.


Beth Lambert
Chief Teaching & Learning Officer
Email: Beth.Lambert@maine.gov