Hi there! My name is Simon and I have a passion for all things computers and electronics. As the creator of this blog, my mission is to share my knowledge and help you solve your technical problems.
Complete Guide to Installing WordPress on Debian" width="1024" height="517" />
Computing, Linux, The Internet, WordPress / By Simon Ogden / July 13, 2023
Computing, Linux, Mac, Virtual Machines / By Simon Ogden / July 12, 2023
The Best Virtual Machine for Apple Silicon" width="1024" height="517" />
Computing, Mac, Virtual Machines / By Simon Ogden / July 11, 2023
Handy primer on coding on macos. Haven’t done much in ages so never knew gcc was g++ for c++ how cute. Also the textmate tool is very handy to use instead of plain ole nano editor. Didn’t expect cin to just grab the first word of entered text. and haven’t used namespace much so this is all good toddler talk! thanks