The Code Compliance Division responds to citizen complaints and pro-actively identifies violations on public and private property. The basis of Code Compliance rests with property owners and tenants to act as good neighbors. Property owners have rights that protect them; however, the term "property rights" also implies that property owners have certain responsibilities. No property within the City may be used or maintained in a manner, which downgrades the value, use, enjoyment or safety of one’s own or surrounding property. Code Compliance activities protect the health and safety of the community and ensure the highest level of voluntary compliance.
You may contact the division at 951-765-2339 or
The City of Hemet has discontinued the Residential Rental Registration and Crime-Free Rental Housing Program (“Program”). All forms related to the Program, including but not limited to the Residential Rental Dwelling Unit Crime Free Lease Addendum, the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) inspection Checklist, the Interior Rental Registration Inspection Reference Checklist, the Residential Rental Dwelling Unit Property Owner Certification Form, and the Residential Rental Dwelling Unit Frequently Asked Questions, are withdrawn.
Notice for the Owners and Occupants of Rental Property in Hemet
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the City of Hemet's Rental Registration and Crime-Free Rental Housing Programs ("Programs") are being repealed pursuant to a voluntary compliance agreement with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) related to a compliance review HUD conducted of the Programs pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Owners of rental property are no longer required to submit a Crime Free Certification, utilize the City's Crime Free Lease Addendum, pass CPTED inspections, attend Crime Free Rental Housing Training, or undergo annual code inspections under the Programs.
Owners and managers of rental housing are reminded that they must comply with fair housing laws. Owners and managers should be mindful of the following:
• You may not evict or refuse to renew a lease because the tenant or a household member is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking or elder abuse (as described in Cal. Code of Civ. Proc.§ 1161.3).
• You may not evict or refuse to renew a lease solely because the tenant or a household member calls emergency services, including 911.
• An arrest on its own is not evidence of a crime. Many people who are arrested later have the charges against them dropped. An eviction or other adverse housing action for criminal activity should be based on a conviction or other substantial evidence that a crime occurred.
• Not all convictions suggest that a person would be a bad tenant. The best way to assess whether an applicant who has a criminal history will be a good tenant is to conduct an individualized assessment of that person's circumstances, including the nature, severity and recency of each offense, and any evidence of rehabilitation.
If you believe you have been harmed by the City's Rental Registration and Crime Free Rental Housing Programs, you may file a complaint with HUD by contacting Nathanael Hill at 415-489-6541 or
Aviso Para Los D ueños y Ocupantes de Propiedades de Alquiler en Hemet
El propósito de esta carta es notificarle que los Programas de Registro de Alquiler y Vivienda de Alquiler Libre de Crimen ("Programas") de la Ciudad de Hemet están siendo derogados de conformidad con un acuerdo de cumplimiento voluntario con el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) relacionado con una revisión de cumplimiento que HUD realizó de los Programas de conformidad con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964.
Los dueños de propiedades de alquiler ya no están obligados a presentar una Certificación Libre de Crimen, utilizar el Anexo de Arrendamiento Libre de Crimen de la Ciudad, aprobar las inspecciones CPTED, asistir a la Capacitación de Viviendas de Alquiler Libre de Crimen o someterse a inspecciones de códigos anuales bajo los Programas.
Se recuerda a los dueños y administradores de viviendas de alquiler que deben cumplir con las leyes de vivienda justa. Los dueños y gerentes deben tener en cuenta lo siguiente:
• No puede desalojar o negarse a renovar un contrato de arrendamiento porque el inquilino o un miembro del hogar es víctima de violencia doméstica, violencia en el noviazgo, asalto sexual, acecho, tráfico de personas o abuso de ancianos (como se describe en el Código Civil de Proc. § 1161.3).
• No puede desalojar o negarse a renovar un contrato de arrendamiento únicamente porque el inquilino o un miembro del hogar llame a los servicios de emergencia, incluido el 911.
• Un arresto por sí solo no es evidencia de un crimen. A muchas personas que son arrestadas más tarde se les retiran los cargos en su contra. Un desalojo u otra acción de vivienda adversa por actividad delictiva debe basarse en una condena u otra evidencia sustancial de que ocurrió un delito.
• No todas las condenas sugieren que una persona sería un mal inquilino. La mejor manera de evaluar si un solicitante que tiene antecedentes penales será un buen inquilino es realizar una evaluación individualizada de las circunstancias de esa persona, incluida la naturaleza, la gravedad y la actualidad de cada delito y cualquier evidencia de rehabilitación.
Si cree que ha sido perjudicado por los programas de registro de alquiler de la ciudad y de viviendas de alquiler libres de delitos, puede presentar una queja ante HUD comunicándose con Nathanael Hill al 415-489-6541 o