Application for License to Operate - hospital

Mailing Address:
Contact Number:
Classification According to:

Ambulatory Surgical Clinic
Birthing Home
Dialysis Clinic
Drug Testing Laboratory
Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center
[ ] Hospital
] General
] Specialty
(If General)
Level 1
Level 2

[ ] Infirmary
[ ] Medical Facility for Overseas Workers and Seafarers
[ ] Psychiatric Care Facility
Proposed Bed Capacity (if applicable)
Type of Construction:

] Expansion/Renovation ( for existing health facility), specify

Attachment: (incomplete attachment shall be a ground for the denial of this application)
A. Letter of Intent for new and existing health facility (background and scope of the project);
B. For new health facility;
1. Certificate of Need from the DOH-Regional Office (for hospital below 100 Authorized Bed Capacity )

2. Proof of Registration of Name of Health Facility

DTI/ SEC Registration including Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (for private health facility)

Enabling Act/ Board Resolution (for government health facility)

Cooperative Development Authority Registration including Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws

3. Three (3) Sets of Site Development Plans and Architectural Floor Plans (in blue print 20” x 30”)

Signed and sealed by an Architect/Engineer

Showing all areas with appropriate scale, dimension and labels

Demonstrating proper spatial and functional relationships of areas (refer to Checklist for Review
of Floor Plan)
C. For expansion/renovation of existing health facility;
1. Latest DOH Approved Permit to Construct and Approved Floor Plan with latest copy of LTO/COA
2. Floor Plan indicating proposed change/s (refer to B.3)
D. Feasibility Study (for non-hospital based dialysis clinic only)

Application Fee (refer to Schedule of Fees)

I hereby declare that this Application has been accomplished by me, and that the foregoing information and
attached documents required for the permit to construct are true and correct.

Signature Over Printed Name

Revision: 04
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